Accepted full paper will be invited to give the oral presentation at the
conference and be publsihed in the conference proceeding.
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the oral presentation at the
conference, the presentation will not be published.
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Easychair Submission System to submit your
send your full paper&Abstract directly to:
Interested Listeners & Groups & Sponsors, please contact with for details.
We encourages submissions from under-represented areas. We recognizes that not every paper will necessarily contain new theoretical results or new algorithms, and strongly encourages the submissions that provide new models and analyses that are rigorously validated through implementation and experimentation. We will make every effort to fairly review papers with a systems focus.
We will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review, is accepted for publication, or has already been published in another conference or a journal. ICCAR is utterly intolerant of plagiarism. Submitted papers are expected to contain original work executed by the authors with adequate, proper and scholarly citations to the work of others. It is the job of the authors to clearly identify both their own contribution(s) and also published results / techniques on which they depend or build. Reviewers are charged to ensure these standards are met.
After registration, the final paper submitted designates your paper as "Camera Ready" and it will be available online as part of the conference proceedings. Please note that there will not be an additional opportunity to revise your paper. In preparing for the proceedings, please follow the author guidelines posted above under "Paper Format."